Parc Güell

Free Gaudí Tour of Barcelona

The Eixample District is known for its predominant art style found in literature, music, painting, and mostly its architecture, exceptionally designed by the famous Modernist Antoni Gaudí and his contemporaries.

While you grasp the beauty of each building, on the Free Gaudí Tour of Barcelona you will hear about the fascinating life of an artist that influenced the city’s cultural transformation within the social unrest and political hassle of the 19th century.

Casa Batllo
Casa Lleo Morera
  • Learn how Antoni Gaudí impacted a generation that charged the city with an identity unlike any other place in Europe!
  • See the work of other noteworthy artists such as Lluis Domenech I Montaner and Josep Puig i Cadafalch.
  • Visit La Sagrada Família*, Batlló House, Casa Milà and much more while you hear rare anecdotes told by a Barcelonian guide!
    *In order to get to La Sagrada Familia the group will take the metro (card not included).